Thursday, June 29, 2006

some people's heroes havn't always been cowboys..

The great anthropologist Jerry Seinfeld once said:

"For men, Superheroes such as batman, superman, spiderman....these aren't fantasies....these are options."

This is why we are obsessed with video games, fantasy sports, and movies. It's not that we play or watch these things to live out supressed and failed desires. No!! we play or watch these things for new ideas. Men will pour into the theatres this weekend to watch superman, not to admire, but to take notes. Because we lie, cheat, and steal all the time; we need solutions to get ourselves out of these jams before your wife finds out. Things like x-ray vision, unlimited strength, and a bullet-proof chest come in handy when you need to bail yourself out. I am long indebted to several heroes growing up that have bailed me out. While actually i've followed the George Costanza approach most often (run as fast as you can plowing through children, or deny everything, adopt the philosophy that 'a lie is not a lie if you believe it' ect...), i like to think there are a few times i did what my hero would have done. Here are a few of the options i've taken over the years that have helped bail me out: (no valued order here)

1.) Han Solo
2.) Marty McFly
3.) Maverick or Pete Mitchell
4.) John McClain
5.) Daniel LaRusso (Karate' kid)
6.) Rocky Balboa
7.) James Bond
8.) Indiana Jones
9.) Batman
10.)William Wallace

Whenever wisdom is needed, i draw from this pool...odly, my wife never thinks it's cool to talk in scottish accent. I guess she just doesn't get it??


At 4:29 PM, Blogger Marianne said...

Take heed, the talking heads on the morning talk shows say this is a "romance" as much as an action flick...

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Brian said...

it was sadly too much of a romance....however it still doesn't exclude Superman as an option. Beautiful post. I would throw Macgyver in there as well (even though he was a pansy with his anti-gun stance).

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Luke said...

I remember when I pulled a McFly and punched the "Biff" in my life in middle school. Then he proceeded to pummel me into oblivion. Some superhuman strength would've been helpful there.

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Alex said...

yeah...i tried the skateboard behind the car also...i kept wating for crowds to show up and love me..

At 10:54 AM, Blogger Brian said...

I've given the Top Gun Maverick Volleyball High Five a hundred times. Doesn't ever seem to look quite as cool though.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger Alex said...

are you wearing blue jeans and no shirt while you do it???


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