Monday, September 04, 2006

It was only a matter of time...

Steve Irwin finally croaked ( I am saddened b/c i enjoyed watching him on TV- I was constantly amazed how this guy always seemed to know how dangerous things were but simultaneously never even shed one ounce of fear that this 'dangerous' thing might hurt him. This was his signature persona, for ex) he'd be walking and see a huge snake and say "Crikey, my goodness, it's a double poisonous gastro-lethal injecting african/Indian King Cobra!!....One bight from this little guy your arm will fall immediately off and your brain will explode...Let's see if we can pick him up." Naturally as he pursued the snake, it would strike out him furiously-yet this never slowed him down. Instead of doing the human thing, and running, No Steve would decide maybe I need a stick to pick this up with?? This guy didn't laugh in the face of danger, he didn't have a clue what it was. I once saw him go after some wild dogs with his 6 month old baby, he didn't just think he was not in danger--I don't think he thought anyone was in danger. Maybe the only people who aren't sad are the camera crew. Those guys had to be in constant fear for their lives. I'm sure they were all thinking that one of them was gonna go real soon, maybe they can safely return to normal documentaries.

I am sad though, b/c what a 'Manly guy' we lost, this guy took us to a different level. He should be a first-ballot hall of famer. On an ending note, I read about this on an ESPN message board, the guy wrote "apparently he was stung by a stingray, I didn't know a stingray could kill you?" One guy wrote back "Dude, it punched a whole in his heart." Even the man who had survived umpteen snake bites couldn't pull through that-ouch, but what a way to go!


At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a way to go... this is how original this guy was: no one, ever, in the history of the world has ever died from a sting ray, peircing its venom loaded barb into someone's heart. No one. Steve Irwin was the first.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger Luke said...

It is actually very rare to die that way, as the previous poster said.
You would think that of all the ways for this guy to go it would've been a snake squeezing him to death or an alligator bitin his head off...but no, a stingray pierced under his ribcage directly into his heart.

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Alex said...

The odds of him living through 2006 had to be very slim...i think vegas had him 3/1 to live through 2005


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