living in the old times....not for me
I'm not sure of the nationwide coverage of the "Katrina aftermath" that hit the northeast last week, but it was pretty severe. It was a hot tuesday evening and i was outside grilling these huge steaks that my mother-in-law was kind enough to supply. It went from blue sky to pitch black in 2 minutes and then trees started falling over, lighting was striking in synchronized patterns, lights were flickering, local pets were floating away in the air like kites. I thought at first i might need a raincoat to finish cooking, but i quickly realized i was going to need to a huge rope to lassoe my feet to the barn. Needless to say, we were without power for 40 hours. Since our water runs on a well, with an electric pump...we were w/o water sucked. The next morning i went to the postoffice (really to just ride around in my air-conditioned car, i think i went to just buy some stamps in case i had a "mail emergency") and got scolded by this old geezer who overheard me grumbling to someone about how the power company still hadn't got the power back on. He told me to get over it and realize that for years no one ever had AC in the summer time and did fine, He said i should just be thakful to have a roof over my head. He started giving me ideas for keeping cool and entertaining myself (as if i had a handy pen and paper and was about to take notes), apparently things he still did. I have to say he was a bit right on some things, becki and i enjoyed talking sitting in a candlelit house. I read alot, rested, cleaned--it was all very productive. I was appreciating it some until i began to clean my entertainment center and ran across an old Tennessee/Florida football tape, immediately the sensation of college football overwhelmed me. The old man soon became an idiot in my thoughts and i began to again curse the power company. I can't wait for COLLEGE FOOTBALL!! If i ever see that old man again and he asks me if i'm thankful for my roof, i'll say "not as thankful as I am for Thomas Edison!!" and then laugh and run away. Crazy old bastard.
...For all my friends, don't ever let me think down those lines again!!!
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