This Just In...
The Eudora Welty Library in the bubbling city of Jackson, Mississippi just made this announcement:
The Eudora Welty Library on North State St. is offering visitors wireless access to the Web.
Wi-Fi (wireless fidelity) access is now offered in three sitting areas around the library, with two on the second floor and one in the Mississippi Writers’ Room on the first floor. can always count on Jackson to be on the cutting edge of any new development. I'm sure the library will be flooded today with laptops and anxious users.
Sorry, the posting has been so sporadic. Exams and Summer Conference are making for a rough couple of weeks. Sweet Emotion will be back in full force in roughly a week.
hahahahah......I'm assuming DVDs should be introduced there sometime in 2010. However, any sort of hi-definition devices won't be available until 2021.
That is pretty behind the times... even my middle of the pack university has had that for a few years now.
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