Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Salute to Manhood

We would be entirely wrong if we did not salute the achievement of Martin Strel. I'm sure all 3 of you devoted Sweet Emotion fans remember when we covered Martin's bold proclamation. He said he was going to swim the Amazon or die trying.

On April 7th, he accomplished his manly goal and is still alive. Just think about it. He swam the distance of roughly Miami to Seattle. It took him 9 weeks of swimming 50 miles a day with Piranhas, the dreaded toothpick fish (unmanly fish...swims up a man's orifice and sucks the man's blood), and even bull sharks. The varieties of problems and diseases he encountered are not even worth listing. But let's just say I've probably only heard of 2 of them, and the rest sound really painful. I told Kurt Cooper about Martin, and he responded with: "But he swam downstream didn't he." I'm just hoping Martin doesn't read Kurt's response.

Sweet Emotion gives the 52 year old our strong salute. Let's let Martin propel us to make ridiculous goals for ourselves. As if he wasn't manly enough, after the swim someone asked him about the possibilities of swimming the Nile one day. Martin's response:
"I am not going to do the Nile. It's long but not challenging enough, it is just a small creek, The Amazon is much more mighty."


At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i saw him in person, i might bow down and kiss his feet.


At 1:56 PM, Blogger kurt said...

It (the Toothpick fish or Candiru) is feared by the natives because it is attracted to urine or blood, and if the bather is nude it will swim into an orifice (the anus or vagina, or even the penis—and deep into the urethra). It then erects its spine and begins to feed on the blood and body tissue just as it would from the gills of a fish. The candirú is then almost impossible to remove except through surgery. As the fish locates its host by following the water flow from the gills to its source, urinating while bathing increases the chance of a candirú homing in on a human urethra.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger joel kimmel said...

never again will i pee in a swimming pool, let alone a wild body of water. my hat's off to martin strel.

At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember your initisl entry on this... that dude is crazy.

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Alex said...

welcome to the "manly hall of fame" Martin Strel....welcome.


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