Friday, May 16, 2008

One More Reason

Exams are done. So we should be updating a little more regularly. If we don't, we might have to call a meeting and think about shutting it down. We can't keep causing this kind of disappointment for the world every morning they hope to see a new post.

All I have to say is this: This blog discusses a lot of manly issues. And maybe there is none bigger than the issue of women in sports. Last week, Danica Patrick (female Indy Car driver) demonstrated why this needs to be an issue.

Monday, May 05, 2008

A Few Comments From The Weekend

Trade that card away before it's too late

Two more weeks of school work and then sweet emotion will be rolling again. Alas, I emerge from my work to make a couple of comments regarding this weekend.

First: Has anyone had a more tragic career drop than Roger Clemens. Possibly O.J. Simpson? But seriously, this guy is spiraling faster than A.I. can get off his jump shot (Ok, I my apologies to A.I.....that was over-the-top, nothing is faster than that). But you get the point. And, has anyone done worse in their respective "apologies?" Clemens provides a nice window into all of our hearts. Seemingly every accusation against him is preposterous. Every mess up, is simply a "mistake." He shrugged off the affair allegations by admitting some mistakes but also said every human being has flaws. He would go along way with fans and the public if he admitted just who he was, and asked for sincere forgiveness. No one is saying that is easy, but trying to manipulate and live in a false reality will eventually wear him down.

Alas, We are all guilty of trying to minimize our problems and maximize others. How many times do I give myself the benefit of the doubt (ex. he just misunderstood what I said), yet refuse to give another person the same benefit. At the least, the Bible tells us we should grow skeptical of our own hearts (Jer. 17:9, the heart is deceitful above all things). If people keep confronting you with sin, just maybe they are seeing something you don't see yourself.

Secondly, I hesitate to blog on this because we try to stay devoted to legitimate athletes (which horses are not...we assume the definition of an athlete includes being a human being). PETA is at it again. They are out of control. Yes, I know "Eight Belles" having to be put down following the race is not a pretty sight. Back in the old days they would raise a tent and just shoot the horse. But seriously, to demand that the horse was unethically treated and therefore the owner should return the prize money is absurd. Do you know how much equity that owner just lost when he had to put the horse down? I promise the owner is more sad than PETA. Anyway, let's not forget, PETA could not even find took the intellect of the one and only Ace Ventura. We need less PETA and more Ace Venturas. What makes me most sad about this incident is the sure resurrection of some Barbaro stories....ughh!

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