Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Peyton Manning...true american Hero

If you missed SNL last saturday, well - it's probably b/c it hasn't been funny since Will Ferrell left. But Peyton Manning stole the show, he was witty/funny/clever and made it worth watching. This United way commercial was beautiful.

I'm sure we'll see Bill Simmons come out with something this week claiming that Tom Brady was funnier when he hosted. I didn't watch Tom Brady, so i have no comment. But it did bring up a quick thought about the athletes who have hosted SNL. Some were worth watching, others...not so. It brings up the question, who can make the transition well from athletics to comedy. We have obviously seen some of the comedians attempt the opposite, Bill Murray is a terrible golfer.

The best athlete SNL host by far was Michael Jordan. Manning's skits are not far behind. The worst ones were definitely Nancy Kerrigan, Wayne Gretzky, and Derek Jeter --all very awkward and boring.

I can't remember all the atheletes who have hosted, suggestions will help here. But I think Manning's performance deserves a sweet emotion salute.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Count Your Blessings Georgetown

May I take the soapbox for a minute. There I was on Friday night cheering for the Vanderbilt Commodores. The clock rolls down and they are playing GREAT defense. They had the guy pinned to the point where his only option was a fade away with a guy in his face. But lo and behold, he CHANGES pivot feet and goes to the goal.

I once believed those kind of things only happened to Ole Miss. However, I quickly remembered being a Vandy fan might be harder. How many times have things gone wrong for Vanderbilt? Gray, Mark and I always laugh at the various ways Vandy finds a way to lose...especially in football.

Back to my point. Did anyone notice how BILLY PACKER or Jim Nantz never said a word about the walk. They were so excited about Georgetown taking down an SEC team, that they were just uncontrollably spitting out excitement. It was an absolutely ridiculous no-call. I can understand not calling a questionable foul at the end of a game, but a walk is NOT a subjective call.

My question is this. Who is counting their blessings more? Who has caught the bigger breaks? Is it Ohio State? They came back from massive deficits twice...and oh yea, Greg Oden was not whistled for an intentional foul. Or is it Georgetown (see above)?
I think everyone enjoys watching the SEC lose.

And one more thing before you watch the video if you so choose. I always love when celebrities give us the opportunity to glean from their intellect in all areas of life. Apparently, Sean Penn was the main attraction an an Oakland Anti-War town hall meeting. Penn eloquently offered no solution to the war, but simply told President Bush to take his war and shove it. Thanks Sean, so helpful. Now enjoy the no call travel

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Why We watch...

it's hard to believe it's been 15 years since that Saturday night in 1992 when Christian Laettner sank the greatest shot in NCAA tournament history. I remember, my parents had gone out to eat and my friend Kyle and I were watching the game while playing a bit of an indoor game of our own. We loved Duke (though happily repented of that in the late 90's) b/c of there dream-like upset of UNLV the year before but also namely b/c they played white guys that made us believe we had our own chance to make it. After Laettner hit the shot, we screamed and ran around the house for a good 15 minutes in frantic elation. A realistic picture of Jimmy Chitwood had been displayed before us. A destiny had been cast for us. We were going to spend the next several years attempting to create a perfect re-enactment of the shot. Hours were spent re-watching the clip, mastering the catch and the one dribble, then carefully learning to turn to your left - not the right. Then the magical fade away with someone in your face.

I have to still believe that during that timeout coach K came up with some crazy plan that left everyone a bit unsure, then Laettner interupted "I'll make it".

The Duke/Kentucky game was my real "hoosiers moment" as a fan, a real love for the tournament took on a new meaning. All these moments came with it later -- I love some march Madness.

more recent memories..

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Congratulations Brother Sorgenfrei

Uncle Brian, Graham, and Aunt Liza Sorgenfrei

Yesterday, I was able to travel up to Memphis yesterday to see the birth of my new nephew. My brother Mark and His wife Kim had a baby boy (manly indeed) weighing in at 8 lbs 12 ounces. His name is Graham Michael Sorgenfrei, and I've already put a basketball in his hand. Congratulations to our frequent brother and sister in law on a beautiful baby. Sweet Emotion salutes adding one more male to the world.

I must say, I didn't think I would get emotional, but it's unbelievable seeing a newborn for the first time with his loving parents and grandparents (aunt and uncle) showering him with love.

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13

Friday, March 16, 2007

Good 24hrs: Duke loses, Vols win

Despite most 'reader predictions', the vols roared to a first round win putting up more points than any team in recent tournament history. Bruce Pearl keeps doing his crazy thing - bring on the 'wahoos'. I think the Vols handle Virginia.

This has been the most boring two days though, although Duke losing in the first round and seeing a picture of Coach "K" afterwards was priceless. I want some dadgum upsets and buzzer beaters!!

....if you have any more thoughts on life other than the NCAA tournament right now.....shame on you, very 'anti-sweet emotion'.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Final Four-ology

Most of you by now have filled out your brackets and entered some contest, and some of you have even "gambled", hmmm... - We are not going to host a full-bracket filling contest. Rather, we want to hear your general predictions. Echo these:

Final Four teams: Florida, UCLA, Texas, Ohio State

# of buzzer beaters in first 2 rounds: 6

Most likely #1 seed to go down first: North Carolina

Biggest 1st round upset: Penn over Texas A&M

Cinderella team: Winthrop

Most anticipated Possible Sweet Sixteen Game: UNC v. Texas

Most anticipated Possible Regional Final Game: Kansas v. UCLA

National Champion: Ohio State

...all thoughts are welcome: Most overrated team, most underrated team,

# of hours your going to spend on the couch the next three weeks, proper junk food neccessary for watching games, greatest NCAA tourney memory, worst NCAA tourney memory....ideas on how to best spend time during tournament...contribute anything!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Seinfeld Sessions #2: greatest one liners

Our running commentary on life is certainly giving the manly appeal, i think we can all agree on that. I do hope that from reading this site that you are beginning to emit so much testosterone that women faint and children cry in your presence. We likewise are adding our reformed perspective on life - these Seinfeld sessions are meant to help us reflect on a truly seinfeldian perspective whereby we can virtually mock every living thing we come across in a loveable and charitable manner.

Today, to be straight to the point, i propose the 5 one-liners that have stayed around with us. These are not just clever zingers - but deep packed lines that speak volumes of the depth of the Seinfeldian world view, which we partially need to draw from. We could spend lengthy blogs defining their meaning. These have hung around the most, according to sweet emotion that is.....

5)"serenity now"

4)"Yada Yada Yada"

3)"Jerk Store"

2)"No soup for You"

1) "Not that there is anything wrong with that"

...we can discuss the deep meanings of these and how they have popped up in our everyday "coffee shop" lives....

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Humorous Notes from Today

1) The debate in the Senate regarding global warming today was delayed due to a SNOWFALL.

2) If you live in Jackson, MS....your mayor is in jail. How many of you guys can claim that?

3) Experts say if Ole Miss somehow makes it to the SEC tournament finals then they are on their way to the Big Dance. Who would have thought?

That's it folks. Can't wait for selection Sunday.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Gambling, is just good entertainment?

It’s NCAA tournament time and that means its time to fill out about 5 brackets. Most of my brackets are usually ripped apart by the second round, but it’s still exciting to mark your brackets right and wrong. I still remember staring at the TV in shock as Hampton upset my final four Iowa State Cyclones with Jamaal Tinsley in the 2001 Tournament. Everyone else was cheering about the 15-2 upset, but I was banging my head up against a wall. Anyway, I still always pick SEC teams. In 1996, I picked Kentucky to go all the way, and ended up winning my pool. As a result, I keep thinking it will happen again.

At risk of dropping a “thud” on this exciting bracket enterprise, I pose a question? Is gambling inherently wrong? Now, of course, millions of dollars (2.5 billion in 1995) change hands during the NCAA tournament, and I’ve participated many times. But an article I read in World magazine and the upcoming tournament has prompted me to think again about the notion of gambling. Is there really such a thing as just “innocent, fun filled” gambling? I’m going to say no…and here are the 4 reasons.

1) Stealing – at risk of sounding like a crazy Pharisee, I believe gambling is a violation of the eighth commandment. All of God’s commands have both a negative and a positive side. For example, we are not only to abstain from taking life, but also to promote and help prosper life. The eighth commandment is no different. We are instructed not to steal, but also conversely commanded to “further the outward estate of ourselves and others” (Westminster Larger Catechism)

I think it’s safe to say that gambling is in contradiction with the positive side of the eighth commandment. When we gamble, we are in no way lovingly helping and furthering the wealth, life, and estate of our neighbor. Gambling is utterly selfish. It seeks to take money from an individual without providing a service beneficial to others. When one gambles, he is NOT Looking “not only to his own interests, but also to the interest of others.” (Phil. 2:4).

The Larger Catechism understands that true obedience to the eighth commandments means that money out of one’s pocket must go towards a product or service that is furthering the estate of others. For example, I pay a doctor who then gives me a product that increases my estate of health…hopefully. How is gambling different than the stock market you ask? The stock market is investment. It is investing in companies that will then in turn produce a product or service that “furthers the wealth and estate of others.” Of course, investing in companies that do NOT do this would also be a violation, but that is a different discussion.

2) Another reasoning we use to justify gambling is cloaking it with an “entertainment” label. (Trust me, I’ve used this.) If I walk into a casino and spend $30 for 4 hours of entertainment, what’s the difference between that and a night at the movies? Movie tickets do seem like they will reach the $30 mark soon, but that is beside the point.
The rational doesn’t work, though I’ve convinced myself many times it does. First of all, labeling something differently still doesn’t cover up what the act is at its core (see reason #1). Sure, one could argue that a strip club is entertainment, but it doesn’t make the act right.

Secondly, I don’t buy the notion that people simply gamble for the sport of it. My sinful heart certainly never has. As 19th century theologian R.L. Dabney states “why, then do they not play for the sport without bets?” If gambling was solely an entertaining sport, then people would be just as content to gamble with our without money. Money always makes things more interesting. It’s not the sport of gambling in and of itself that is so attractive, it’s the idea that we could further our estate so easily.

3) The industry of gambling itself, though not coinciding with the typical public opinion, is reverse Kingdom in its results. The Kingdom of God comes and renews individuals, families, communities, and cities holistically. The Kingdom of God renews all of these areas socially, spiritually, psychologically, emotionally and yes, even economically. Though the gambling industry continually promises “economic development” research shows it actually does the opposite. Though I have an esteemed business degree from the Harvard of the South (Ole Miss), I will still reference higher authorities than myself in the world of economics. As Robert Goodman states in his book The Luck Business, “By turning to gambling expansion for economic development, governments are creating a legacy that will make long-term solutions even harder to realize. As new gambling ventures drain potential investment capital for other businesses, as existing businesses lose more of their consumer dollars to gambling ventures, more businesses are being pushed closer to decline and failure, more workers are being laid off, and enormous public and private costs are incurred to deal with a growing sector of the population afflicted with serious gambling problems… do we really want our governments so dependent on gambling that they are forced actively to promote an activity that takes disproportionately from those who can afford it least, does great damage to existing economies, and can be highly addictive?”
We could say then that gambling is indeed, Anti-Kingdom in nature.

4) It’s the reverse of the Gospel. The essence of reality for a Christian is that “for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was ridch, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich (II Cor 8:9). Not only was he poor when he came to earth, but God became man, walked this earth, died in our place on the cross so that we, by faith, might receive an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading (I Peter 1:4). All gambling is the reverse of II Cor 8. Gambling says our neighbor will become poor for our sake.

All of God’s commandments force us to see just how sinful we are. Yes, the eighth commandment does the same. We are all guilty, but it forces us to run to the cross and grab onto the righteousness of Christ by faith. When Christ’s righteousness is ours, we have his perfect obedience…and we are accepted as the one who kept all the commandments perfects (point 4).

Hope this blog hasn’t put a damper on anything, it’s just been churning in my mind (open for discussion). Is this blog nit-picky? I hope you don't feel that way. I came across some of these principles and they were helpful. Fill out those brackets indeed. I’ve already signed up for my Belly of the Beast pool! And let’s hope we don’t have another Iowa State Debacle this year that ruins my bracket. Which SEC teams am I going to have in the Final Four this year? Florida of course, and we’ll just have to see if the Rebels get in the tournament. I love March Madness! Is there a better time of sports than the first weekend of the Big Dance?

Thursday, March 01, 2007

B.A. Baracus, A Man among Boys

Today we salute a legend of our generation... B.A. Baracus. B.A. was about as manly as they come. You had a deprived childhood if you missed out on the A-Team. There is nothing quite like the excitement I used to feel when I would sit down, hear the intro music, and then repeat with the T.V. announcer "If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team!"

It's a toss-up regarding who was more manly in the show. Was it Hannibal (the mastermind with a cigar always close at hand), Face (ladies fainted at the sight of him), or B.A. Baracus? Sweet Emotion gives the award to B.A. The tipping of the scales in B.A.'s favor are six-fold

1) He was always brought in to do the real fighting. Hannibal would simply glance at the enormous man and say "B.A." At which, B.A. would promptly chunk the now helpless opponent a good 40 yards in the air and land him perfectly on a crumbling table.
2) He spoke only when necessary. And when he spoke, they were always memorable lines usually spoken in the imperative. Ex. "I pity the fool who goes out tryin' a' take over da world, then runs home cryin' to his momma!" or "Shut up, fool" or then again something like Murdock: I wish I could just jump in the water and live like a fish.
B.A. Baracus: Shut up fool, you ain't no fish!
3)He was the official driver of the black van.
4)He had a Macgyver like ability to make machinery out of nuts, bolts, and oil.
5) The only way anyone was able to force him to do anything against his own will was to drug him. Who can forget all the times B.A. drank his "milk" only to wake up in another country after a flight. (He hated flying.)
6) He wore overalls.

The next question I pose is a little tougher. Who was more manly... B.A. Baracus or Clubber Lang? I might have to go Clubber Lang, just for his quote upon seeing Adrian after beating Balboa once: "Hey, Woman. Hey, Woman! Listen here. Since your old man ain't got no heart, maybe you like to see a real man. I bet you stay up late every night dreamin' you had a real man, don't ya? I'll tell you what. Bring your pretty little self over to my apartment tonight, and I'll show you a real man."

In researching for this intellectually astounding blog, I discovered a few manly facts regarding Mr. T.

1) Before show business, Mr. T was a bodyguard for famous celebrities. His business card read "Next to God, there is no greater protector than I." WOW!

2) The reason he changed his name from Lawrence Tureaud to Mr. T was so that people would have to address him as "Mr."

Hilarious....B.A. Baracus, Sweet Emotion salutes you.
Let's get excited about some NCAA tournament talk coming right around the corner.