Wednesday, January 03, 2007

"I'm not going to be the Alabama coach"

Maybe I'm on an island, but I just don't get why the bold-faced lies have to be told. Sure take the job at Alabama, but just don't look the people in the eye and tell them otherwise. Saban's move today made me partially a West Virginia fan. At least Rich Rodriguez had the integrity to keep his word. Today brought back flashes of the old Tuberville days. Again, who can blame the guy for leaving for Auburn....but did he have to tell everyone "I'm not leaving Oxford unless in a pine box." (Ole Miss does get press in an ESPN Article today involving the incident....hey we'll take the headlines however we can get em)
Seriously, figure out something else to say other than a bold faced lie. I would think eventually people would learn not to trust him. How in the world can recruits believe he will be around for their college tenure now?

From Ole Miss point of view, things just got tougher. The West now has Auburn, Alabama, and LSU...and Orgeron will be recruiting against Saban. Maybe this will just get crazy Ed Orgeron more fired up who knows. All I know is that it gets more and more diffficult for an SEC team to go undefeated and this didn't help.


At 7:41 PM, Blogger Andrew Barnes said...

And Alabama still sucks.

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Sumner said...

brian we pretty much have the same post... good blogs think alike

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Luke said...

Forde (normally a moron) had a good article on this on I think you referenced it Brian.
Saban is a jerkstore. He will never ever ever last 10 years at Alabama anyhow...unless he wins 4 national titles.

At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It irritates me that Saban is getting rewarded for deception, and it irritates me that Alabama is getting rewarded for their completely uncalled for termination of Shula. I think it was Colin Cowherd on ESPN Radio that said it the best: Alabama is the girl at the bar that thinks she's a 10 when she's really a 6. This time it looks like the 6 bought herself a one night stand with a 10.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger kurt said...

If schools and pro teams would make their coaching contracts actual contracts, i.e., including penalties for breaching the contract, then coaches wouldn't be able to jump ship so easily. Unfortunately, this is the status quo, and coaches almost have to lie in order to maintain leverage with their future employers. It's a sucky system and it hangs recruits and free agents who've signed with the coach out to dry. I also agree with charles, the Shula firing was an absolute joke.

At 12:14 PM, Blogger kurt said...

oh yeah, and my favorite part of Saban's quote is the "wha-wha-wha-what else do i have to say" part. Spit it out Nick!


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