Monday, October 16, 2006

"Don't come in to our House !!": Lessons from the Canes

Miami Hurricanes vs. FlU fight

Surely you've seen this video, but if your like me, you've only seen the ESPN narrative. The whole thing brings about a new definition to "THUG". I mean we saw the Clemson/South Carolina shuving match, what a joke compared to this. Miami has now given us a text-book definition of "How To be a Thug":

lesson #1 - When a fight starts, get in it as soon as possible, never sit and watch (note how the announcer claims he's about to get in on it and is). and don't stop until you feel steel cuffs slapped on your wrist

lesson #2- Use anything at your disposal to attack, the heavier the better -- handicapped and inujured are of great assistance here, any form of equipment wil work, hint: seek metal objects. (here i'm just amazed at the guy violently swinging his helmet literally trying to kill someone, also noted is the guy who uses his crutches as a weapon!)

lesson #3 - anything goes, like the guy who his stomping on the back of someone's leg -- there were also reports of choking and eye-poking

lesson #4 - make sure to let them know what 'gang' you come from (notice how during the brawl, some miami player is running through waving the "U" flag as to 'represent')

lesson #5 - be sure to celebrate afterwards, winning the game isn't everything!! (maybe the most amazing part, is the gathering of the miami players afterwards and began to chant together)

halariously noted is that during the fight the "Flag" icon appeared on the if we needed that.

...on other notes, congrats to Auburn on a big win. They beat Florida the only way you can (not with offense, some luck and special teams). I was glad to see Chris leak choke. Tommy Tubberville is getting rediculous though --after the game when asked about the Horrendous fumble call, he said "we finally got a call that went our way", LSU game???

Also, the BCS came out---disaster awaits. USC will lose before season is over and we are going to have a mess with all these one-loss teams. What a joke Notre Dame ranked ahead of Texas---and someone explain how Cal is ranked ahead of Tennessee....


At 2:41 PM, Blogger Luke said...

Boy, Larry Coker is doing a PHENOMENAL jobe at Teh U!!!!

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Brian said...

When watching the replay on TV, I loved seeing the number of flags thrown in the first 5 seconds. I bet I saw seven flags fly into the air before the refs finally realized, "oh boy, I don't think a flag is going to stop this guy from body slamming the opponent.

Personally, I think its a joke that the players were only suspended 1 game. Wow, they get suspended for one game against Duke. I mean, I know its football, but there were things happening out there that would be considered worthy of simple assault charges. I don't think forcing Miami players to miss a game against Duke is quite enough. Maybe that is just me though.

I laughed at the guy running through the fight with the Miami flag.

At 6:36 PM, Blogger Andrew Barnes said...

That guy from the Tennessee Titans got 5 game suspension for stepping on someone's head, and I saw guys kicking people in the heads and throwing helmets, etc...and one game. You would think college would be more serious, you know...kicked off the team.

If I was the coach, I would have kicked them all off the team!

At 9:35 AM, Blogger kurt said...

Lamar Thomas, the Miami announcer who wanted to "go down the elevator and get in it..." has not only been fired, but he still has to be remembered as the guy George Teague took the ball away from in the 1992 Sugar Bowl...

...on an unrelated note, I'd like to throw my hat into the ring regarding Cutcliffe...I can't speak about the recruiting because I think its a) overrated and b) almost impossible to predict...but here's the stat that carries the day for me...

Cutcliffe: only one losing season at Ole Miss...

...i guess it all depends on what you expect (Ole Miss is NEVER going to be Miami), but this is almost inarguable fact, the Cutcliffe era was the peak of Ole Miss football...and as a State fan, I'm glad he's gone and the Reb's have that meathead roaming the sidelines...

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Alex said...

maybe the most classic part of this story is that Lamar Thomas was fired for his comments as an analyst...though, a shame for comcast sports--after hearing that, he is by far the most intriguing announcer they have ever had!!

At 12:40 PM, Blogger joel kimmel said...

the fact that they were suspended one game is absolutely ridiculous. the fact that the president or ad or whoever said that she was "satisfied" with the suspension shows why females should not be in leadership positions.

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kurt, summarily dismissing the recruiting factor is probably the dumbest move in a "who's the better coach" argument that I've ever seen, albeit a predictable move considering Sly's performance in that respect.

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That anonymous was me - Charles Blanchard

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That anonymous was me - Charles Blanchard

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charles I agree with you in saying that the "recruiting is overrated" comment is the most ignorant statement that could be made when talking about college football coaches. Head football coaches are hired to do 2 things in my opinion, recruit, and hire the best staff they can put together. Those are 2 things that Cutcliffe didnt do, and wouldnt do, and those are two things that the "meathead" guy that we hired has done. People need to remember that Cutcilffe was fired because he was too stupid and stubborn to do what the administration asked him to do. If he would have done the things asked he would probably still be the coach at Ole Miss, thankfully he isnt, but he still probably would be. The guy got exactly what he wanted a nice buy out and a one way ticket back to Knoxville along with the national media making him look like some sort of martyr.

Just out of curiosity Kurt, why are you happy that Cutcliffe is gone and that the "meathead" is roaming the sidelines?

Bo Johnson

At 4:54 PM, Blogger kurt said...

A couple points...

1. LSU had the number one recruiting class in the counry two years in a row under DiNardo. Those classes as seniors and juniors repsectively, went 4-7. Point being, assessing 17 & 18 year old high school football players is a gamble.

2. The guy who thinks that Cutcliffe is a worse coach than Ogeron is the same guy who is baffled that Team USA can't win the gold in basketball (give me a good game coach over a recruiter any day of the week).

3. Why is Ogeron a meathead? Let me pose this question. Do you really want the same guy who is jumping around like an idiot with the players before the game making the tough decisions in the fourth quarter?

4. Ultimately you'd want a guy who can do both (someone neither State or Ole Miss will ever be able to afford). Ole Miss just traded a good game planner for a good recruiter, in my opinion that's a bad move.

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Luke said...

Miami's major problem, it seems to me, has been revealed: they have a female running the U.

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Alex said...

...let this be known among CFB, woman should have NO voice of any kind...


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