Putting out an APB for titles and characters...
If this isn't the script for Will Ferrell's next movie, I'll be deeply dissapointed. A big-time Athlete who loves himself, comes across as charitable and influential, but doomed to his own anger-driven ego. A big-time baseball player from Texas who juiced up to prolong his overdue retirement, b/c he was so full of himself he couldn't imagine himself anywhere but in the spotlight, yet ironically this same ego drags him into a congressional hearing where he procedes to "set the record straight". And when it is overwhelmingly obvious he has been found a liar, he procedes to leave capital hill saying "boy..we sure told dem' didn't we boys". The climactic scene would be the Clemens Character charging the desk in rage threating to "open up a can" on somebody. Of course when everything goes down bad, Debby will leave for the now rich McNamee. It's just too perfect.
Nominations for Movie Titles:
- "Flex, Lies, and Audiotape"
- "Who Framed Roger Clemens?"
- "I'm Gonna MRI Your Ass!
Nominations for Clemen's Character: I would of course love Will Ferrell, but maybe he should just direct this film. My front-runner would be "David Puddy"....but only if he sits in the hearings with the blank stare he had on the plane with Elaine.
Nomination for McNamee's Character: Adam Sandler comes to mind with his ability to solidly impersonate the true NY accent.
Nominations for Clemen's Wife: This has to be some chick who is attractive, but definitely is a bit scarry. Maybe Helga from American Gladiators or that blonde gal who was a trainer on "the biggest loser".
Nominations for Chairman Waxman: Is that guy one of the funniest looking people you've ever seen? Not an exact look-a-like, but the short bald guy from "The Princess Bride" would be perfect. Can't you see him questioning Clemens while slobbering all over the desk.
Nominations for Andy Pettite: Ben Affleck, I think it would be funny to see him have a can opened up on him after he narked on Clemens. Also, it would be great to see him have to wear Yankees gear.
...We can read ESPN or C-Span for a true analysis of this event, but here we just need some more ideas for this movie.
I got pumped when the Chairman brought up the nanny and how Clemens had invited her to his home before the feds could talk to her. It's the only part I saw and I was getting super pumped for some reason. I just wish one major star athlete would get justly punished.
Let's not forget Michael Vick....what if both Roger Clemens and Vick are in the same Federal Pen?
this is not about the steroid scandal. its about uniforms. I thought that kurt in particular would like to read it.
Bill Murray should play Clemens' lawyer
Bill Murray should play Clemens' lawyer
Bill Murray should play Clemens' lawyer
Vick-Clemens as Cell-mates in the sequel, or a reality TV show of "The Longest Yard"
this whole week has reminded me why I have grown to hate baseball.
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